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. 2019 Sep 3;8(9):giz100. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giz100

Table 3:

Benchmarking of BinPacker, Bridger, IDBA-tran, RNA-Bloom, rnaSPAdes, SOAPdenovo-Trans, SPAdes, Trans-ABySS, and Trinity on Human simulated RNA-Seq dataset

 Parameter BinPacker Bridger IDBA Bloom rnaSPAdes SOAP SPAdes ABySS Trinity
Transcripts 76,736 52,151 58,466 65,968 37,730 35,096 42,264 67,511 62,831
Misassemblies 7,919 3,512 174 358 309 198 443 126* 1,554
Duplication ratio 2.19 1.38 1.01 1.93 1.26 1.08 1.00* 1.24 1.74
Database coverage, % 20.9 18.5 21.4 24.6* 23.2 19.4 20.5 23.1 24.4
50%-assembled genes 11,828 11,476 13,175 12,869 14,075* 12,610 13,569 12,740 13,289
95%-assembled genes 7,320 6,417 2,729 8,910 10,934* 7,685 8,526 7,225 9,049
50%-assembled isoforms 17,415 15,423 18,181 21,035* 19,531 15,638 16,437 19,250 20,965
95%-assembled isoforms 9,091 7,298 2,744 12,108 13,387* 8,151 8,638 7,662 12,301

The annotated transcriptome of H. sapiens GRCh37.p13 consists of 57,820 genes and 196,520 isoforms. All contigs shorter than 200 bp were filtered out prior to the analysis. The best values for each metric are indicated with asterisk.