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. 2019 May 16;44(8):970–979. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsz025

Table I.

Growth Curve Models of Parental Involvement Across Time

Reports of mothers’ involvement
Acceptance Disclosure Diabetes knowledge
estimate  (SE) estimate  (SE) estimate  (SE)
Fixed effects
 Intercept 4.36  (0.12)*** 3.37  (0.15)*** 3.38  (0.16)***
 Time 0.02  (0.03) −0.03  (0.03) −0.26  (0.03)***
 Years since diagnosis 0.004  (0.01) −0.01  (0.02) −0.02  (0.02)
 Gendera −0.08  (0.10) −0.25  (0.12)* 0.04  (0.13)
 Ethnicityb 0.24  (0.14) 0.53  (0.17)** 0.21  (0.19)
 Pump status c 0.06  (0.08) −0.02  (0.09) −0.05  (0.10)
 IQ 0.01  (0.02) −0.04  (0.02)* −0.06  (0.02)**
Random effects
 Intercept 0.29  (0.05)*** 0.55  (0.07)*** 0.65  (0.08)***
 Time 0.03  (0.01)** 0.02  (0.01) 0.02  (0.01)

Reports of fathers’ involvement

Acceptance Disclosure Diabetes knowledge

Fixed effects estimate  (SE) estimate  (SE) estimate  (SE)

 Intercept 4.31  (0.12)*** 3.11  (0.16)*** 2.89  (0.17)***
 Time 0.02  (0.02) −0.10  (0.03)*** −0.24  (0.03)***
 Years since diagnosis −0.003  (0.01) −0.02  (0.02) −0.04  (0.02)*
 Gendera −0.11  (0.10) −0.07  (0.13) 0.12  (0.14)
 Ethnicityb 0.08  (0.15) 0.27  (0.19) −0.13  (0.19)
 Pump statusc 0.09  (0.08) 0.07  (0.10) 0.04  (0.10)
 IQ 0.01  (0.02) −0.06  (0.02)* −0.07  (0.02)***
Random effects
 Intercept 0.37  (0.06)*** 0.66  (0.08)*** 0.67  (0.08)***
 Time 0.02  (0.01) 0.02  (0.01) 0.01  (0.01)

−0.5 = female, 0.5 = male.


−0.5 = non-Hispanic, 0.5 = Hispanic.


−0.5 = multiple daily injections, 0.5 = pump.


p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.