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. 2019 Aug;31(4):601–608. doi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2019.04.04


PRs by different groups among 28,543 high-risk population of EC, 2007−2016

Variables n (%) PR (%) P
Participants with high-risk EC Participants undertaking endoscopy
PR, participation rate; EC, esophageal cancer.
Total 28,543 15,810 55.39 NA
Cancer prevention knowledge levels
 Q1 (<40) 5,769 (20.21) 3,167 (20.03) 54.90 <0.0001
 Q2 (40−55) 8,660 (30.34) 4,661 (29.48) 53.82
 Q3 (56−70) 7,228 (25.32) 3,952 (25.00) 54.68
 Q4 (>70) 6,886 (24.13) 4,030 (25.49) 58.52
 Male 13,036 (45.67) 6,668 (42.18) 51.15 <0.0001
 Female 15,507 (54.33) 9,142 (57.82) 58.95
Age (year)
 40−49 9,224 (32.32) 4,676 (29.58) 50.69 <0.0001
 50−59 10,246 (35.90) 5,790 (36.62) 56.51
 60−69 9,073 (31.79) 5,344 (33.80) 58.90
Education level
 Illiterate 7,621 (26.70) 4,238 (26.81) 55.61 0.0208
 Primary school or junior high school 20,425 (71.57) 11,266 (71.28) 55.16
 Senior high school and above 492 (1.72) 302 (1.91) 61.38
Yearly income per household unit (RMB)
 <5,000 13,139 (47.11) 7,670 (49.35) 58.38 <0.0001
 ≥5,000 14,752 (52.89) 7,873 (50.65) 53.37