Figure 5. Clone size and diversity of DN and IgD−CD27+ memory B cells in HC and MS patients.
(A) The rank-abundance distribution of DN and IgD−CD27+ memory VH clones with clone size (y-axis) as a percent of the repertoire against the size rank of the clone on a log10 scale (x-axis). Each dark line represents the estimated clonal abundance curve, with shaded areas representing 95 % confidence intervals derived via bootstrap (2000 realizations). (B) Evenness at diversity order q = 1 (Shannon Diversity) of the VH DN and IgD−CD27+ compartment clone size distributions. Each point represents the estimated evenness score for a subject from the clonal abundance distributions in (A). The vertical shading represents the SD of the mean evenness scores and the horizontal bar represents the mean of the mean evenness scores.