Cohort patient, disease, and treatment characteristics for select women with breast cancer in the SEER database from 2004 to 2015, stratified by diagnosis: DCISM, DCIS, and T1a IDC
All patients N = 134,569 | DCISM N = 4361 (3.2%) | DCIS N = 95,393 (70.9%) | T1a IDC N = 34,815 (25.9%) | Overall p value | |
Age | < 0.001 | ||||
Median (IQR) | 60 (51–69) | 59 (51–68) | 59 (51–69) | 62 (52–71) | |
Race/ethnicity | < 0.001 | ||||
American Indian/Alaska Native | 603 (0.4%) | 18 (0.4%) | 432 (0.5%) | 153 (0.4%) | |
Asian or Pacific Islander | 12,720 (9.5%) | 465 (10.7%) | 9140 (9.6%) | 3115 (8.9%) | |
Black | 13,567 (10.1%) | 484 (11.1%) | 10,232 (10.7%) | 2851 (8.2%) | |
Hispanic | 12,013 (8.9%) | 417 (9.6%) | 8730 (9.2%) | 2866 (8.2%) | |
Unknown | 703 (0.5%) | 15 (0.3%) | 559 (0.6%) | 129 (0.4%) | |
White | 94,963 (70.6%) | 2962 (67.9%) | 66,300 (69.5%) | 25,701 (73.8%) | |
Invasive tumor size (mm) | < 0.001 | ||||
Median (IQR) | 4 (2–5) | 1 (1–1) | N/A | 4 (3 – 5) | |
No. of positive LNs | < 0.001 | ||||
Median (IQR) | 0 (0–0) | 0 (0–0) | 0 (0–0) | 0 (0–0) | |
N stage | < 0.001 | ||||
N0 | 131,758 (97.9%) | 3920 (89.9%) | 95,389 (100%) | 32,449 (93.2%) | |
N1 | 2312 (1.7%) | 328 (7.5%) | 0 (0%) | 1984 (5.7%) | |
N2 | 239 (0.2%) | 56 (1.3%) | 0 (0%) | 183 (0.5%) | |
N3 | 110 (0.1%) | 36 (0.8%) | 0 (0%) | 74 (0.2%) | |
NX | 150 (0.1%) | 21 (0.5%) | 4 (0%) | 125 (0.4%) | |
Grade | < 0.001 | ||||
1 | 26,306 (19.5%) | 938 (21.5%) | 12,337 (12.9%) | 13,031 (37.4%) | |
2 | 48,521 (36.1%) | 1458 (33.4%) | 32,617 (34.2%) | 14,446 (41.5%) | |
3 | 44,662 (33.2%) | 937 (21.5%) | 37,852 (39.7%) | 5873 (16.9%) | |
Unknown | 15,080 (11.2%) | 1028 (23.6%) | 12,587 (13.2%) | 1465 (4.2%) | |
ER status | < 0.001 | ||||
Positive | 96,258 (71.5%) | 3087 (70.8%) | 64,691 (67.8%) | 28,480 (81.8%) | |
Negative/borderline | 18,923 (14.1%) | 997 (22.9%) | 12,848 (13.5%) | 5078 (14.6%) | |
Unknown | 19,388 (14.4%) | 277 (6.4%) | 17,854 (18.7%) | 1257 (3.6%) | |
PR status | < 0.001 | ||||
Positive | 79,606 (59.2%) | 2457 (56.3%) | 53,005 (55.6%) | 24,144 (69.3%) | |
Negative/borderline | 30,489 (22.7%) | 1550 (35.5%) | 19,802 (20.8%) | 9137 (26.2%) | |
Unknown | 24,474 (18.2%) | 354 (8.1%) | 22,586 (23.7%) | 1534 (4.4%) | |
HER2 status | < 0.001 | ||||
Positive | 5016 (3.7%) | 456 (10.5%) | 1902 (2%) | 2658 (7.6%) | |
Negative/borderline | 21,231 (15.8%) | 1269 (29.1%) | 4437 (4.7%) | 15,525 (44.6%) | |
Diagnosed before 2010* | 64,695 (48.1%) | 2124 (48.7%) | 47,169 (49.4%) | 15,402 (44.2%) | |
Unknown | 43,627 (32.4%) | 512 (11.7%) | 41,885 (43.9%) | 1230 (3.5%) | |
Prognostic stage groups (AJCC 8th edition) | < 0.001* | ||||
Stage 0 | 95,393 (70.9%) | 0 | 95,393 (100%) | 0 | |
Stage IA | 26,882 (20.0%) | 2094 (48.0%) | 0 | 24,788 (71.2%) | |
Stage IB | 7671 (5.7%) | 916 (21.0%) | 0 | 6701 (19.2%) | |
Stage II | 216 (0.2%) | 36 (0.8%) | 0 | 180 (0.5%) | |
Stage III | 78 (0.1%) | 17 (0.4%) | 0 | 61 (0.2%) | |
Unable to determine | 4383 (3.3%) | 1298 (29.8%) | 0 | 3085 (8.9%) | |
Chemotherapy | < 0.001 | ||||
Yes | 5925 (4.4%) | 476 (10.9%) | 1355 (1.4%) | 4094 (11.8%) | |
No/unknown | 128,644 (95.6%) | 3885 (89.1%) | 94,038 (98.6%) | 30,721 (88.2%) | |
Radiation | < 0.001 | ||||
Yes | 61,391 (45.6%) | 1985 (45.5%) | 42,068 (44.1%) | 17,338 (49.8%) | |
No | 71,204 (52.9%) | 2311 (53%) | 51,992 (54.5%) | 16,901 (48.5%) | |
Unknown | 1974 (1.5%) | 65 (1.5%) | 1333 (1.4%) | 576 (1.7%) | |
Breast surgery type | < 0.001 | ||||
Lumpectomy | 90,326 (67.1%) | 2464 (56.5%) | 65,649 (68.8%) | 22,213 (63.8%) | |
Mastectomy | 44,243 (32.9%) | 1897 (43.5%) | 29,744 (31.2%) | 12,602 (36.2%) | |
Axillary surgery (no. of lymph nodes removed) | < 0.001 | ||||
1–5 | 57,667 (42.8%) | 2924 (67%) | 29,265 (30.7%) | 25,478 (73.2%) | |
6–9 | 5765 (4.3%) | 347 (8%) | 2598 (2.7%) | 2820 (8.1%) | |
≥ 10 | 4654 (3.46%) | 449 (10.3%) | 1359 (1.4%) | 2846 (8.2%) | |
None | 65, 376 (48.6%) | 605 (13.9%) | 61,325 (64.3%) | 3446 (9.9%) | |
Breast surgery ± radiation | < 0.001 | ||||
Lumpectomy alone | 28,953 (21.5%) | 580 (13.3%) | 23,228 (24.3%) | 5145 (14.8%) | |
Lumpectomy + radiation | 59,799 (44.4%) | 1845 (42.3%) | 41,337 (43.3%) | 16,617 (47.7%) | |
Mastectomy alone | 42,251 (31.4%) | 1731 (39.7%) | 28,764 (30.2%) | 11,756 (33.8%) | |
Mastectomy + radiation | 1592 (1.2%) | 140 (3.2%) | 731 (0.8%) | 721 (2.1%) | |
Other/unknown | 1974 (1.5%) | 65 (1.5%) | 1333 (1.4%) | 576 (1.7%) |
DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ; DCISM DCIS with microinvasion; IDC invasive ductal carcinoma. LN lymph nodes; ER estrogen receptor; PR progesterone receptor; HER2 human-epidermal-growth-factor-receptor-2
This statistical comparison is only for DCISM versus T1a IDC