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. 2019 Aug;7(16):385. doi: 10.21037/atm.2019.07.58

Table 3. Univariate analysis of potential variables associated with OS and PFS of patients with LS-SCLC.

Variables Overall survival (N=226) Progression-free survival (N=226)
Hazard ratio (95% CI) P Hazard ratio (95% CI) P
Age 0.960 (0.652–1.412) 0.834 0.894 (0.595–1.343) 0.59
Smoking status
   Current or ex-smoker 1.407 (1.079–1.835) 0.012 1.145 (0.869–1.509) 0.337
   Never Smoker
KPS at diagnosis
   ≥80 0.757 (0.493–1.162) 0.203 0.845 (0.542–1.319) 0.459
Prophylactic cranial irradiation
   Yes 0.900 (0.692–1.170) 0.43 1.086 (0.826–1.428) 0.556
Radiotherapy fractionation
   Conventional fractionated RT 0.803 (0.603–1.068) 0.132 0.865 (0.646–1.158) 0.33
   Hyperfractionated RT
Hemoglobin (Hb)
   ≥110 0.981 (0.519–1.854) 0.953 0.663 (0.338–1.303) 0.233
Albumin (Alb)
   ≥35 0.753 (0.420–1.350) 0.341 0.239 (0.118–0.484) 0.003
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)
   <240 0.939 (0.678–1.301) 0.707 1.061 (0.754–1.493) 0.734
Alkaline phosphatase (Alp)
   ≥120 1.389 (0.853–2.260) 0.186 1.283 (0.796–2.069) 0.306
   <1,780 cells/mm3 1.296 (1.011–1.662) 0.04 1.128 (0.815–1.562) 0.467
   ≥1,780 cells/mm3
   <655 cells/mm3 2.633 (2.025–3.424) <0.001 2.582 (1.987–3.354) <0.001
   ≥655 cells/mm3
   <1,430 cells/mm3 1.812 (1.381–2.378) 0.002 1.573 (1.200–2.063) 0.001
   ≥1,430 cells/mm3

LS-SCLS, limited-stage small cell lung cancer; ALC, absolute lymphocyte count.