Figure 6.
Example of animal residues found on small recycled flakes. (a) Double bulb Kombewa item AU16c 71.10-05 #62. (b) Feather and hinge scars running along the outer edge and interpreted as cutting medium-hard material. (c,d) Patch of compressed powder-like residue consistent with bony tissue and related SEM-EDX spectrum showing the diagnostic peak of calcium and phosphorous. (e) Double ventral lateral item AW16d 71.15-12 #88. (f) Greasy yellow-white amorphous animal residues compressed in a flint scar along the edge on the prehensile area and consistent with animal grease and fat. (g) Close-up of the same residual material showing fragments of birefringent collagen fibers entrapped inside. (h) SEM image showing hinge close-regular edge damage interpreted as cutting soft to medium material (BSE-SEM image).