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. 2019 Sep 10;9:12971. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49201-1

Table 7.

Fit summary for experimental results of CCD for optimization of uricase production by Aspergillus welwitschiae.

Model Summary Statistics
Source SD R2 Adjusted R2 Predicted R2 PRESS
Linear 9.60 0.1255 −0.0384 −0.2648 2130.67
2FI 10.48 0.1525 −0.2386 −1.1963 3699.77
Quadratic 2.25 0.9700 0.9430 0.8110 318.46
Lack of Fit Tests
Source SS Df MS F- value P- value
Linear 1460.75 11 132.80 53.87 0.0002
2FI 1415.28 8 176.91 71.76 <0.0001
Quadratic 38.22 5 7.64 3.10 0.1199
Pure Error 12.33 5 2.47
Sequential Model Sum of Squares
Linear vs Mean 211.46 3 70.49 0.77 0.5298
2FI vs Linear 45.47 3 15.16 0.14 0.9355
Quadratic vs 2FI 1377.06 3 459.02 90.81 <0.0001
Residual 14.53 6 2.42

“*Significant values, df: degree of freedom, PRESS: sum of squares of prediction error, 2FI: two factors interaction, SD: Standard deviation, SS: Sum of Squares, MS: Mean Square”.