Figure 1.
Schematic showing how the metabolites derived from (A) [U-13C]glutamine can be traced through the oxidative and reductive glutamine pathways and (B) [1-13C]glutamine can be traced through the reductive glutamine pathway. In the Gln-Glu-a-KG pathway, white circles represent 12Carbon, while solid black circles represent 13Carbon. Blue circles represent 13C in the oxidative glutamine metabolism pathway of the TCA cycle and the citrate shuttle, while red circles represent 13C in the reductive carboxylation pathways in either mitochondria or cytoplasm. The green arrow indicates the shift toward lipid metabolism. For [U-13C]glutamine in (A), abbreviations are as follows: for the Gln-Glu-α-KG pathway: Gln, M5 glutamine; Glu, M5 glutamate; α-KG, M5 α-ketoglutarate. For oxidative glutamine metabolism: Suc, M4 succinate; Fum, M4 fumarate; Mal, M4 malate; Oac, M4 oxaloacetate; Cit, M4 citrate; Lac, M3 lactate. For reductive carboxylation: Ict, M5 isocitrate; Cit, M5 citrate; Oac, M3 oxaloacetate; Asp, M3 aspartate; Fum, M3 fumarate; Mal, M3 malate. Similar abbreviations apply for [1-13C]glutamine (M1 glutamine) in (B).