Figure 4.
DEER on oligomeric Bax with orthogonal spin labels. (a) Scheme of the expected distances. (b,c) Primary data with background function (left) and distance distributions (right) obtained by Tikhonov regularization with DeerAnalysis201854. The shaded areas present the corresponding distance simulations based on the structures in18,20. (b) Active BaxWTR1 mixed with 3-fold excess unlabeled BaxWT (black) compared to the undiluted BaxWTR1 (grey). (c) Upper panel, NO-NO DEER on active BaxWTR1 with 3-fold excess of BaxC87Gd compared to the BaxWTR1 alone (grey). Central panel, NO-Gd DEER on the same sample. The asterisk highlights a possible channel cross-talk signal. Bottom panel, Gd-Gd DEER on the same sample (green) compared to BaxC87Gd alone (grey). Data evaluation and validation is given in Supp. Fig. 9. The same experiments performed with BaxWTIAG are given in Supp. Figs 10, 11.