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. 2019 Sep 11;14:215. doi: 10.1186/s13023-019-1191-5

Table 1.

Patient characteristics and results from a droplet digital PCR experiment on NRAS p.Q61R mutation

Patient number (diagnosis) Age (years) / sex Affected organs Complications Sample material (sample numbers in Fig. 3b) Target gene Concentration (copies/μL)a Accepted dropletsb Fractional abundance (%)c Poisson fractional abundance (max)d Poisson fractional abundance (min)e
P1 (KLA) 21/ M Chest wall and mediastinum Hemorrhagic PE, gastrointestinal hemorrhage and coagulation disorder Plasma (P1–1) NRAS Q61R 0.41 40,029 0.18 0.28 0.08
NRAS WT 227.07 40,029
PE (P1–2) NRAS Q61R 0.41 31,317 0.44 0.70 0.18
NRAS WT 93.64 31,317
P2 (KLA) 12/ M Bone, thoracic and mediastinal Hemorrhagic PE and coagulation disorder Plasma (P2–1) NRAS Q61R 0.20 41,269 0.07 0.13 0.02
NRAS WT 275.93 41,269
PE (P2–2) NRAS Q61R 0.03 39,120 0.16 0.55 0.02
NRAS WT 18.28 39,120
FFPE tissuef (P2–3) NRAS Q61R 0.14 33,434 0.2 0.4 0.00
NRAS WT 70.7 33,434
P3 (KLA) 4/ F Thoracic and mediastinal Hemorrhagic PE and coagulation disorder Plasma (P3–1) NRAS Q61R 0.06 37,013 0.02 0.06 0.00
NRAS WT 280.55 37,013
PE (P3–2) NRAS Q61R 0.03 38,740 0.01 0.04 0.00
NRAS WT 229.55 38,740
P4 (KLA) 12/ M Bone, thoracic and mediastinal Scoliosis, hemorrhagic PE and coagulation disorder Plasma (P4) NRAS Q61R 0.06 41,040 0.02 0.06 0.00
NRAS WT 243.08 41,040
P5 (KLA) 20/ M Bone, thoracic and mediastinal PE and coagulation disorder Plasma (P5) NRAS Q61R 0.00 37,721 0.00 0.00 0.00
NRAS WT 27.52 37,721
P6 (GLA) 18/ M Bone, thoracic and mediastinal PE and coagulation disorder Plasma (P6) NRAS Q61R 0.06 39,832 0.03 0.07 0.00
NRAS WT 226.91 39,832
P7 (GLA) 35/ F Abdominal cavity and skin Lymphorrhea, pain, and cellulitis Plasma (P7) NRAS Q61R 0.00 36,076 0.00 0.00 0.00
NRAS WT 39.09 36,076
P8 (GLA) 32/ F Abdominal cavity and skin Ascites, coagulation disorder, and lymphorrhea Plasma (P8) NRAS Q61R 0.00 42,470 0.00 0.00 0.00
NRAS WT 49.65 42,470
Positive control Plasma (PC) NRAS Q61R 0.00 13,194 0.00 0.00 0.00
NRAS WT 352.38 13,194
Negative control (NC) NRAS Q61R 0.00 12,603 0.00 0.00 0.00
NRAS WT 0.00 12,603
Human skin melanoma cell lines (SK-MEL-2)g NRAS Q61R 106.16 34,258 69.15 70.52 67.77
NRAS WT 47.37 34,258

Characteristics (diagnosis, age, sex, affected organs, and complications) of the patients with KLA (P1–5) and GLA (P6–8) are shown in the table. The information of the samples (sample materials) and results (concentration of target gene, accepted droplets, fractional abundance and percentage of Poisson fractional abundance) from a droplet digital PCR experiment on NRAS p.Q61R mutations are shown. Positive controls included wild-type DNA. Negative controls did not include DNA. Human melanoma cell line with NRAS p.Q61R mutation was used as a positive control for NRAS mutation

KLA kaposiform lymphangiomatosis, GLA generalized lymphatic anomaly, P patient, PC positive control, NC negative control, M male, F female, PE pleural effusion, WT wild type, FFPE formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded

aTarget gene copy number per microliter

bNumber of droplets measured—i.e., the sum of three measured wells

cPercentage of mutant droplets relative to the sum of wild-type droplets. It was statistically calculated from the measurements of three wells

dPercentage of Poisson fractional abundance (upper limit of the 95% confidence interval)

ePercentage of Poisson fractional abundance (lower limit of the 95% confidence interval)

fFFPE tissue of the affected lesion in P2

gNRAS Q61R mutated sample was the positive control