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. 2019 Apr 22;22(4):785–801. doi: 10.1111/hex.12888

Table 3.

Example of partnership‐focused framework: the involve values and principles framework

Values Summary principles Example of measurable impact
1. Respect Researchers, research organizations and the public respect one another's roles and perspectives Public members' contributions are acknowledged, for example as co‐applicants in research applications, as authors or co‐authors of publications, or as presenters or co‐presenters of research findings (1e)
2. Support Researchers, research organizations and the public have access to practical and organizational support to involve and be involved Public members' expenses are covered, and they are informed in advance if payment will be offered for their time (2d)
3. Transparency Researchers, research organizations and the public are clear and open about the aims and scope of involvement in the research Clear information is given about public members' role and what has been agreed; information is given about the time period and type of contribution (eg, partnership, advisory role, reviewer) (3b)
4. Responsiveness Researchers and research organizations actively respond to the input of public members involved in research Public members are listened to and changes are made to the research as a result of the insights, advice and guidance received; where changes are not made, reasons are explained (4b)
5. Fairness of opportunity Researchers and research organizations ensure that public involvement in research is open to individuals and communities without discrimination The diversity required for the research is considered and an effort is made to involve those who reflect that diversity (5a)
6. Accountability Researchers, research organizations and the public are accountable for their involvement in research and to the people affected by the research At the end of a research study, all those who have worked together actively reflect on the public involvement in the project and assess the learning and how it has gone; everyone is given an opportunity to feed back about their experience of involvement (6d)

Reproduced with permission of INVOLVE. Numbers in column 3 refer to paragraphs in INVOLVE document.