Organization of the urea acquisition and catabolism genes in Synechococcus PCC 7002. The genes are shown as colored boxes pointing in the direction of their transcription. Gray boxes correspond to genes not known to be involved in urea metabolism or transport. ahcY, adenosyl homocysteinase; chrt, chromate transport; ddpA, peptide ABC transporter substrate binding protein; exbB and exbD, biopolymer transport; folC, folypolyglytamte; gat, glutamine amidotransferase. gcn5, N-acetyltransferase GCN5; glk, glucokinase; glyT, glycosyl transferase; ho, hypothetical protein; hoxEFGHU, Ni-Fe hydrogenase subunits; hoxW, HoxH-specific protease; hypABCDEF, Ni-Fe hydrogenase chaperone subunits; phh, phosphohydrolase; ppia, peptidylprolyl isomerase A; pyrC, dihydroorotase; ribg, ADP-ribosylglycohydrolase; serS, serine-tRNA ligase synthase.