Gene | Alias | Peptide produced | A. fumigatus coding sequence | S. apiospermum ortholog (E-value/max identity compared with A. fumigatus protein) | Query cover | S. apiospermum encoded protein (Genbank accession number) |
nrps1 | pes1 (pesB) | Fumigaclavin C | AFUA_1G10380 | SAPIO_CDS6317 (0.0/31%) SAPIO_CDS9291 (0.0/35%) SAPIO_CDS10511 (0.0/34%) SAPIO_CDS8684 (0.0/29%) | 93% 97% 89% 93% |
KEZ42085.1 KEZ40230.1 KEZ39119.1 NW_015971822.1∗ |
nrps2 | sidC | Ferricrocine | AFUA_1G17200 | SAPIO_CDS9032 (0.0/26%) | 94% | KEZ40035.1 |
nrps3 | sidE | Fumarylalanine | AFUA_3G03350 | SAPIO_CDS9221 (0.0/27%) SAPIO_CDS10511 (7e-172/26%) SAPIO_CDS6317 (3e-164/26%) | 98% 96% 97% |
KEZ40171.1 KEZ39119.1 KEZ42085.1 |
nrps4 | sidD | Fusarinine C | AFUA_3G03420 | SAPIO_CDS2806 (0.0/44%) SAPIO_CDS10511 (0.0/37%) SAPIO_CDS6317 (0.0/37%) SAPIO_CDS9291 (4e-146/32%) | 88% 89% 89% 91% |
NW_015971788.1∗ KEZ39119.1 KEZ42085.1 KEZ40230.1 |
nrps5 | hasD (pesF) | Hexadehydro astechrome | AFUA_3G12920 | SAPIO_CDS10275 (0.0/33%) SAPIO_CDS1828 (5e-141/28%) | 93% 85% |
NW_015971866.1∗ KEZ45505.1 |
nrps6 | pesG | Uncharacterized | AFUA_3G13730 | SAPIO_CDS10511 (1e-133/32%) SAPIO_CDS6317 (7e-118/29%) SAPIO_CDS9291 (2e-93/28%) | 86% 92% 98% |
KEZ39119.1 KEZ42085.1 KEZ40230.1 |
nrps7 | pesH | Uncharacterized | AFUA_3G15270 | SAPIO_CDS10511 (5e-162/25%) SAPIO_CDS9221 (4e-150/26%) SAPIO_CDS6317 (8e-145/25%) | 92% 97% 92% |
KEZ39119.1 KEZ40171.1 KEZ42085.1 |
nrps8 | pes3 (pesI) | Uncharacterized | AFUA_5G12730 | SAPIO_CDS6317 (0.0/30%) SAPIO_CDS10511 (0.0/30%) SAPIO_CDS9221 (0.0/31%) SAPIO_CDS8684 (0.0/27%) | 97% 90% 99% 97% |
KEZ42085.1 KEZ39119.1 KEZ40171.1 NW_015971822.1∗ |
nrps9 | pesJ | Uncharacterized | AFUA_6G09610 | SAPIO_CDS6317 (2e-152/31%) SAPIO_CDS9221 (3e-136/29%) SAPIO_CDS8684 (7e-57/29%) | 96% 96% 86% |
KEZ42085.1 KEZ40171.1 NW_015971822.1∗ |
nrps10 | glip (pesK) | Gliotoxin | AFUA_6G09660 | SAPIO_CDS10275 (0.0/29%) SAPIO_CDS1828 (1e-163/30%) | 97% 87% |
NW_015971866.1∗ KEZ45505.1 |
nrps11 | pesL (fmqC) | Fumigaclavin C/Fumiquinazoline | AFUA_6G12050 | SAPIO_CDS6317 (6e-118/31%) SAPIO_CDS10511 (1e-108/30%) SAPIO_CDS9291 (3e-97/31%) SAPIO_CDS2806 (2e-95/30%) | 90% 90% 88% 88% |
KEZ42085.1 KEZ39119.1 KEZ40230.1 NW_015971788.1∗ |
nrps12 | pesM (fmqA) | Fumiquinazoline | AFUA_6G12080 | SAPIO_CDS8684 (0.0/28%) SAPIO_CDS9291 (0.0/33%) SAPIO_CDS6317 (5e-166/30%) | 100% 94% 99% |
NW_015971822.1∗ KEZ42085.1 KEZ42085.1 |
nrps13 | pesN (ftmA) | Brevianamide | AFUA_8G00170 | SAPIO_CDS10511 (0.0/33%) SAPIO_CDS6317 (0.0/30%) SAPIO_CDS9221 (0.0/27%) | 97% 98% 94% |
KEZ39119.1 KEZ42085.1 KEZ40171.1 |
∗Accession number of the contig since the corresponding CDS are considered as pseudogenes in the draft genome sequence of S. apiospermum. Only sequences with a score higher than thresholds (E-value: 1e-50, max identity: 25%, query cover: 85%) are presented.