Fig. 2.
The quaternary structure of the trimeric neck-CRD recombinant fragments of human SP-D (rfhSP-D) and rat SP-A (rfrSP-A). a The electrostatic potential of trimeric neck-CRD rfhSP-D (left) and rfrSP-A (right). Isovalues from red (–3.0) to blue (+3.0). PyMOL v1.6.0 and APBS v1.2 were used to create this Figure. b Three-dimensional structures of trimeric neck-CRD rfhSP-D (left) and rfrSP-A (right) showing the “Y” shape of SP-D and the “T” shape of SP-A. The 3 calcium ions found for SP-D and 1 for SP-A are shown as black spheres at the lectin-binding site. MOE2014 software was used to create this figure (PDB numbers appear in parentheses).