Clinical measurement |
Body mass index |
Waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio, waist-to-hip ratio |
Association with cardiometabolic disease16
Association with mortality is inconsistent |
Direct linear association with mortality |
Metabolic sink and longer-term energy storage |
Short-term energy source |
Cardiac risk23
Moderate |
High |
Metabolic risk24
Moderate |
High |
Moderate |
High |
Catecholamine response22
Moderate |
Rapid |
Insulin sensitivity17
Moderate |
Low |
Metabolic flux18
Low |
High |
Trend with age25
Increased to age 65 y, then reduced |
Gradual increase |
Storage duration26
Long |
Short |
Effect of exercise27
High levels needed for weight change |
Low levels effective for cardiometabolic benefit |
Adverse effects of refined carbohydrate28
Moderate |
High |