Technique: Axial non enhanced CT, 450 mAs, 120 kV, 0.8 mm slice thickness.
(a): 38-year-old female with craniopharyngioma.
Findings: A sellar/suprasellar mass-like (long arrow) and rim calcifications (short arrows) impinging on the foramen of Monro causing hydrocephalus.
(b): 20-year-old male with pineocytoma.
Findings: A mass in the pineal gland (short arrows) with peripheral calcification (long arrow).
(c): 13-year-old boy with pineal teratoma.
Findings: Conglomerate of dense calcifications (long arrow) inside the pineal mass (short arrows).
(d): 27-year-old male with intraventricular ependymoma.
Findings: An irregular mass centered in the body of left lateral ventricle (short arrows) containing dense mass-like calcifications (long arrow) with secondary enlargement of the lateral ventricles.
(e): 42-year-old male with central neurocytoma.
Findings: A mass in the septum pellucidum (short arrows) containing conglomerates of calcifications (long arrow), obstructing the foramen of Monro and causing hydrocephalus of lateral ventricles.
(f): 62-year-old female with intraventricular meningioma.
Findings: Interventricular meningioma centered in posterior body of left lateral ventricle (short arrows) showing internal blush-like calcifications (long arrow) and a rim of calcifications (arrowheads) with secondary enlargement of the left occipital horn.