Hematological analysis of influenza-infected WT, KO, and DKO mice. Eight- to 12-week-old female Irf3−/− (n = 14–19; a), Irf7−/− (n = 16–18; b), and Irf3−/−Irf7−/− (n = 11–21; c) mice were infected with 2 × 105 FFU PR8M. Hematological parameters in blood were measured using the VetScan HM5 system and absolute numbers of white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes (Lym), monocytes (Mon), and granulocytes (Gr) were determined at different days pi. Error bars represent ±1 SEM. The ratio of granulocyte to lymphocyte cell counts was calculated and then normalized to uninfected values (right panel). Significances were calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001). Note that there was also an increase in the granulocyte to lymphocyte ratio in infected C57BL/6J mice. However, this increase is not apparent because of the scale used for the y-axis.