(A) Summarized daily mean arterial pressure (MAP, mmHg) during the baseline, low salt (LS) period through 21 days of high salt challenge (4.0% NaCl AIN-76A). (B) Equivalent urinary sodium excretion between SS/MCW and SS/CRL after 21 days of high salt (HS). (C) Indicative of protection from renal damage, albuminuria and proteinuria were significantly reduced in SS/CRL rats compared to SS/MCW. (D) Similar circulating immune cell profile between SS/MCW and SS/CRL rats. (E) Significantly fewer renal infiltrating immune cells in SS/CRL kidneys compared to SS/MCW. CD45: leukocytes, CD11b/c+: monocyte/macrophages, CD3+: T-cells, CD4+: helper T-cells, CD8+: cytotoxic T-cells, CD45R+: B-cells. n=5-7, †p<0.05 vs LS Day 0, *p<0.05 and **p<0.001 vs SS/MCW.