SRFs contribute to opening in vitro in the absence of the I7 muscles. (A) Reduced preparation for studying opening in vitro. The I7 muscles have been removed. (B) Large radular opening induced by carbachol. (C) Comparison of effects of control, I7 lesion, SRF lesion and dual lesions. Overall ANOVA was highly significant (F3,20=15.07, P<0.000023). SRF lesion and dual lesions are significantly different (**P<0.01) when compared with control lesions and I7 lesions; no other differences are significant. Normalized openings were 0.51±0.12, whereas the normalized opening values for the I7 lesioned group were 0.55±0.09 (mean±s.d., N=6 preparations for both groups). Normalized opening values for the SRF lesioned group were 0.33±0.08 (N=6 preparations; P<0.03, Tukey HSD post hoc test comparing SRF lesion with control group). The normalized opening values for the dual lesioned group were 0.23±0.09 (N=6 preparations; P<0.0003, Tukey HSD post hoc test comparing dual lesion with control). The middle line in each box represents the mean; top and bottom whiskers correspond to maximum and minimum values; top and bottom of each box correspond to the third and first quartiles, respectively. The original data points are shown as dots. These conventions apply to the box and whisker plots in Fig. 6.