Mass spectrometry was performed on IVTT-derived substrates (column 1) reacted in the presence or absence of the indicated PHD isoform (column 2). Substrates were immunopurified by FLAG affinity and digested with the specified protease(s) (column 3) to yield peptides encompassing the putative target prolyl site, which are indicated in bold (column 4); note, during sample processing peptides containing cysteine residues were derivatized with iodoacetamide to give carbamidomethylated cysteine (+57.02). Reference to primary data for non-HIF substrates (i.e., MSMS assignment and quantitation) is provided in column five and summarised in columns 6–10. Assigned oxidations are listed in column 6; no oxidation detected (ND); oxidation detected but not localised to a specific residue (NL). Note, prolyl hydroxylation was not detected. Quantitative data for control and PHD-reacted IVTTs is given for these oxidations (columns 7–8, respectively). Low abundance peptide ions of compatible mass for oxidation, which were below the threshold for MSMS determination but present in LC-MS data (within −5 min retention time window), were also quantified (columns 9–10). The abundance of each assigned or putative oxidation is expressed as a percentage of the non-hydroxylated peptide. Summary results for the products of control reactions that were conducted in parallel on HIF-1α to verify PHD enzyme activity are shown in columns 11–14; values were obtained by similar methods (see Supplementary file 2 for figures depicting these primary data). Each row relates a specific ‘test’ reaction to its batch control HIF-1α reaction; note that high levels of activity on HIF-1α substrates were observed upon addition of exogenous PHD enzyme in all controls.
Table 2—source data 1. Peptide standards employed in IVTT hydroxylation assays.The table lists synthetic peptide sequences corresponding to unoxidised and hydroxylated variants (column 3) of protease-digested peptides assigned and quantified in IVTT hydroxylation assays. Equimolar injections of the indicated peptide variants were used for comparison of detection efficiency (column 4) and chromatographic elution time (column 5) by LC-MSMS analysis. References to the primary XIC data are indicated in column 6.