Fig. 5.
Plot of partial least squares (PLS) scores from block1 versus block2 along the first set of PLS axes for the humerus and mandible. Deformation grids refer to positive and negative extremes of the axes. Deformation grids shows color according to log(det(jacobian)) coming from the two-dimensional Thin Plate Spline first derivative evaluated within the body. Values < 0 indicate that, with respect to the source (here the sample’ consensus), the target (here the PC’s extremes) experiences a reduction in the local area, while values > 0 indicate an enlargement. Black silhouettes represent fossorial species, blue silhouettes represent non-fossorial species. Animal silhouettes were available under Public Domain license at phylopic ( Specifically, shrew-mole (, this image is available for reuse under the Public Domain Dedication 1.0 license; Talpa europaea (, this image is available for reuse under the Public Domain Dedication 1.0 license; Condylura (, available for reuse and under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported ( image by Didier Escouens (vectorized by T. Michael Keesey). Desmans (, this image is available for reuse under the Public Domain Dedication 1.0