Figure 2.
Fibrillar Aβ deposits, i.e., diffuse and mature plaques, revealed by in vitro binding of monomeric 125I-Aβ1-40 to parasagittal brain sections followed by film radioautography. a, Nontransgenic control; 5 (b)-, 9 (c)-, 13 (d)-, and 17 (e)-month-old transgenic mice, respectively. Note the absence of deposits, i.e., binding, in the control, rare deposits in the subiculum (arrowhead) and frontolateral cortex (arrow) of a 5-month-old mouse, and their gradual, age-related increase in number and distribution at subsequent time points. f, Emulsion radioautography of a radiolabeled brain section of a 17-month-old mouse revealing the cellular distribution of Aβ deposits (black silver grains) in the hippocampal formation. Note, inter alia, the markedly reduced number of granule cells (arrowhead) in the vicinity of one cluster of silver grains, i.e., plaque. CA1, Ammon's horn layer 1; cb, cerebellum; CPu, caudate putamen; gran, dentate gyrus granule cell layer; flc, frontolateral cortex; s, subiculum; t, thalamus. Scale bars: a-e, 1 mm; f, 200 μm.