Group data (means and SE) in rats showing effect of subcutaneous MDMA and then Ringer's solution or clozapine on body temperature (A), tail blood flow (B), and superior mesenteric blood flow (C). Data points at time 0 are means and SE of the preinjection control period. Numbers of rats: n = 6 for MDMA and Ringer's solution; n = 5 for MDMA and clozapine for temperature and tail flow studies; n = 4 for mesenteric flow study. Symbols for analysis by repeated measures ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD comparison in A: ##significantly greater than pre-MDMA control temperature (Ringer's solution group, F(15,75) = 15.52; p < 0.0001; clozapine group, F(15,60) = 19.82; p < 0.001); **significantly greater than pre-MDMA control value (F values as above; p < 0.0001); ••significantly <100 min post-MDMA value (F values as above; p < 0.0001); ns, not significantly different from pre-MDMA control value (F values as above; p > 0.05). Symbols for analysis by factorial ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD comparison in A: ††significantly <150 min post-MDMA temperature in MDMA and Ringer's solution group [F(1,9) = 10.66; p < 0.01). Symbols for analysis by repeated measures ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD comparison in B: ##significantly less than pre-MDMA tail flow (Ringer's solution group, F(15,75) = 3.33; p < 0.01; clozapine group, F(15,60) = 16.62; p < 0.001); **significantly less than pre-MDMA control value (F values as above; p < 0.01); ••significantly >100 min post-MDMA value (F values as above; p < 0.0001); §§significantly greater than pre-MDMA control value (F values as above; p < 0.001). Symbols for analysis by factorial ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD comparison in B: ††significantly >150 min post-MDMA tail flow in MDMA and Ringer's solution group (F(1,9) = 10.66; p < 0.01). Symbols for analysis by repeated measures ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD comparison in C: ns, not significantly different from pre-MDMA mesenteric flow value (Ringer's solution group, F(15,60) = 0.61; p > 0.05; clozapine group, F(15,45) = 4.03; p > 0.05); §§significantly >90 min (preclozapine) mesenteric flow value (F values as above; p < 0.001).