LTP in the CA1 region is unchanged in mutant strains with a progressive deletion of all CREB isoforms in the hippocampus. A, Scheme of electrode placement in the hippocampal CA1 region. SC, Schaffer collaterals; MF, mossy fibers; PP, perforant path; DG, dentate gyrus; stimul., stimulation; fimbr, fimbria; fiss. hipp, fissura hippocampi. B, LTP in CrebCamKCre7 mice lacking CREB in ∼80% of CA1 neurons. Both groups expressed a stable LTP of ≥6 hr duration (mutant, 156.2 ± 19.8%, n = 4; wild type, 139 ± 10.4%, n = 4). C, Normal LTP was even obtained in CrebNesCre mice, which do not have any residual CREB in the CA1 area (mutants, n = 6; wild type, n = 7). D, CrebαΔ mice (n = 9) with a genetic background of an undefined mixture of C57BL/6 and 129SvEv displayed robust LTP (wild types, n = 5). Insets show representative recordings of a mutant (top row) and a wild-type mouse (bottom row) taken during baseline recording (1), 10 min after the third 100 Hz train (2), and at the end of the recording time (3). HFS, High-frequency stimulation.