A low molecular weight factor extracted from the rat vitreous (VE <3) resembles goldfish AF-1. a, b, Dissociated goldfish RGCs cultured in defined media in the absence (a) or presence (b) of a low molecular weight factor extracted from the rat vitreous. Viable cells are visualized with Calcein (Molecular Probes). c, Molecules <3 kDa, extracted from either the normal rat vitreous or from the vitreous 1 week after lens injury, induce high levels of axon outgrowth even when diluted 80-fold. d, Cell survival. The number of retinal ganglion cells per 200× microscope field is unaffected by any of the factors tested. e, Axon growth induced by either VE <3 or goldfish-derived AF-1 is blocked by the purine analog 6-TG, but is unaffected by NBTI, an inhibitor of purine transport. Conversely, the effect of inosine is blocked by NBTI but is only partially inhibited by 6-TG.