Figure 1.
CAA is present in both the APPsw and PDAPP mouse models of AD. Thioflavine-S staining of sections from a 12-month-old APPsw mouse (A) and a 24-month-old PDAPP mouse (B) demonstrating amyloid in cerebral vessels (arrows). Although the PDAPP model does develop CAA, the pathology is less extensive at equivalent ages when compared with the APPsw model. Also shown are parenchymal plaques (arrowheads). C, Two-photon image of CAA vessel from an 18-month-old APPsw mouse immunostained for smooth muscle actin (green, arrowhead) surrounded by amyloid (blue, arrow). D, Isolated cerebral vessels from a 27-month-old PDAPP mouse stained with thioflavine-S demonstrating presence of amyloid (arrows) in vessels. Scale bar: A, B, 100 μm.