Anterograde tracing from RGCs transduced by rAAV-GFP demonstrates primarily input from melanopsin-expressing RGCs. A, B, D, F, H, J, L, N, Case 2472 after intravitreal injection with rAAV-GFP. C, E, G, I, K, M, Case 1172 after intravitreal injection with CTB. After injection of rAAV-GFP into the vitreous body of the right eye, 81% of GFP-producing cells in the ganglion cell layer (B) also contained melanopsin (A). Arrows indicate double-labeled cells. GFP-immunoreactive axonal terminals were observed in the SCN (D), vSPZ (F), VLPO (H), OPT (J), and IGL (L). In contrast, GFP-labeled projections to the DLG and VLG nuclei were much less intense than those to the IGL. The bilateral SCN and vSPZ and the contralateral VLPO, OPT, IGL, and SC are shown. 3V, Third ventricle; OC, optic chiasm; OPN4, melanopsin; OT, optic tract; PC, posterior commissure.Scale bars: A, B, 50 μm; C-F, I-N, 200 μm; G-H, 100 μm.