Figure 2.
Conventional and epipolarization light micrographs show that, unlike dopaminergic cells, GABAergic neurons express KCC2 protein. A, Conventional light-microscopic image illustrates PV-immunopositive profiles in the rat SNr. PV exclusively labels a subset of GABAergic neurons in the SN. Black arrows indicate PV-immunopositive dendrites, whereas black arrowheads outline a PV-immunoreactive neuron with its labeled dendrite. A′, In the same section, epipolarization light microscopy illustrates KCC2-immunopositive dendrites. White arrowheads indicate a PV-immunopositive cell, of which only the dendrite but not the soma shows KCC2 immunoreactivity. White arrows show the PV-immunolabeled dendrites, which are also KCC2 immunoreactive. B, B′, Another example of conventional and epipolarization microscopy showing localization of KCC2 (B′) to PV+, nondopaminergic neurons (B). Scale bars, 20 μm. s, Soma.