A Gabor-fitting analysis for testing whether the shapes of disparity tuning curves are the same for moving and stationary stimuli. A, Disparity tuning curves for moving and stationary dots (open and filled circles, respectively) are fit with independent Gabor functions. B, Data for the same multiunit are fit with a pair of Gabor functions that are constrained to have identical shapes, but independent amplitudes and baseline firing rates. C, Independent fits of Gabor functions to disparity tuning curves for another MT multiunit recording. D, The data set of C is fit with a pair of Gabor functions having identical shapes. In this case, the constrained fit is significantly worse than the independent fits (sequential F test; p << 0.001). E, Summary of independent and shape-constrained Gabor fits for 93 of 118 MT units that had significant disparity tuning for both moving and stationary stimuli. R2 values for the shape-constrained fits are plotted against R2 values for the independent fits. Units for which the same-shape fits were significantly worse than the independent fits are denoted by filled symbols (sequential F test; p < 0.05).