Figure 3.
Intracellular and plasma membrane-apposed group I mGluR immunogold labeling in the monkey striatum. A, Relative proportion of intracellular versus plasma membrane-apposed immunogold particles for group I mGluRs in different neuronal compartments of striatal neurons. Mean values (±SD) from three animals (n) were used. A two-factor ANOVA did not reveal any significant difference between the distribution of mGluR1a and mGluR5 in the different neuronal compartments. The numbers of gold particles (g) and neuronal elements (e) examined in three animals were as follows: mGluR1a spines, 665 (g) and 408 (e); mGluR5 spines, 891 (g) and 405 (e); mGluR1a dendrites, 1966 (g) and 744 (e); mGluR5 dendrites, 5526 (g) and 843 (e); mGluR1a soma, 3579 (g) and 71 (e); and mGluR5 soma, 6111 (g) and 25 (e). Error bars indicate SD. B, Electron micrograph showing examples of mGluR1a-containing dendrites (den) and spines (Sp). Some intracellular and plasma membrane-apposed gold particles are indicated by small arrows and arrowheads, respectively. den, Dendrites; Sp, dendritic spines. Scale bar, 0.25 μm.