Suppressive effects of intra-DRN microinjection of 5-HT antagonists on SCN 5-HT release evoked by electrical DRN stimulation. A, Metergoline (MET; n = 6). B, DR4004 (n = 5). Both drug treatments abolished the stimulated 5-HT release seen in vehicle (VEH) controls (n = 6, n = 5, respectively). These antagonists also suppressed basal SCN 5-HT output by ∼25% when injected into the DRN alone without electrical stimulation (C; n = 4 per group). ap < 0.05 versus pretreatment baseline levels; *p < 0.05 versus vehicle controls for a given time point. The 20 min period of electrical stimulation is represented by the horizontal bars designated STIM; INJ, drug or vehicle injection. Data are mean ± SEM.