Figure 7.
Immunostaining with Ptprq intracellular domain antibodies in the cochlea of wild-type, Ptprq-TM-KO, and Ptprq-CAT-KO mice. Fluorescence micrographs of sections from the cochleas at P8 (a-c) and saccule at P67 (d-f) of wild-type (a, d), heterozygous (b, e), and homozygous (c, f) Ptprq-TM-KO (a-c) and Ptprq-CAT-KO (d-f) mice stained with affinity-purified antibodies to Ptprq. Ptprq cannot be detected with these antibodies in the inner ear of either homozygous mutant (c, f). Scale bar, 50 μm.