Loading of GABAergic boutons with styryl dye. A, Protocol for loading organotypic hippocampal slices with Synaptogreen-C4 dye. The dye was present in the slice for 2 min before field stimulation of 10 Hz for 3 min was given and for 2 min after stimulation to allow for uptake. The dye was removed and the chelator ADVASEP-7 was perfused for ∼20 min before an unloading stimulus train was given. B, Boutons loaded in s. pyamidale and s. radiatum in the absence and presence of adenosine. Scale bar, 20 μm. C, Group data showing numbers of labeled boutons present in s. radiatum and s. pyramidale in the absence (control) or presence of 50 μm adenosine. There was a highly significant reduction in the numbers of boutons in s. radiatum and no change in s. pyramidale. *, Significantly different from control; #, significantly different from s. pyramidale. D, Distribution of the sizes (areas) of 834 labeled boutons from nine rat slices in s. pyramidale. E, Overlay image of Synaptored-loaded boutons in GAD65-eGFP mouse culture. Arrowheads in E point to Synaptored-labeled boutons in a GAD65-eGFP mouse culture. Arrows in inset indicate yellow clusters of Synaptored-filled vesicles with eGFP-labeled boutons. Scale bar, 10 μm. F, Distribution of Synaptored-loaded bouton sizes of 255 boutons from three slices from GAD65-eGFP mice.