Figure 4.
Imaging coverage, active regions, and activation overlap. A, The white outline shows the brain regions covered by the imaging sequence, for which functional MRI data were obtained in all 12 participants. Data analysis was restricted to these commonly imaged regions. B, Active regions of neocortex (see details in Materials and Methods). The color scale ranges from 0 to 0.6% increased activation (red to yellow). C, Activation overlap between associative task and control task activation. The overlap is descriptive, not the result of an inferential statistical test. Yellow, Activated during the movement control task; blue, activated during the associative task; green, activated for both the control and associative tasks. Renderings cut away superior to +48 mm (Z) and left of +58 mm (X). Activation is overlaid on a single participant's high-resolution, T1-weighted image.