Time-lapse video imaging of GFP-labeled cells in living slices. A, Movie 2 (available at www.jneurosci.org), Lateral sagittal slice at the striatal level after a middle injection. The level of the slice corresponds to the sagittal section shown in Figure 3, A and B. The slice was imaged from 20 hpi (0:00) to 44 hpi (24:21). GFP-labeled cells residing in the SVZ as well as migrating radially into the overlying white matter and cortex in the vicinity of the injection site are shown. A-1, Time 0 hr 0 min. By this time, labeled cells are distributed in the SVZ and the overlying white matter and cortex. They are primarily confined in a coronal level near the injection site. A-2, 9 hr 37 min. Labeled cells within the SVZ have migrated rostrocaudally and expanded their distribution (compare the front of the rostrocaudal migration indicated by solid arrows in A-1 and A-2; open arrow in A-2 indicates the migratory front at 0 hr 0 min). A-3, Tracking lines of representative cell movements have been superimposed on the image at 24 hr 21 min. The starting points of each cell tracking is indicated by a green dot. Orange, Cells migrating within the SVZ. They primarily migrate rostrocaudally, however, some change direction. Arrows indicate multiple turns of a single cell. Double arrow indicates a turning point at the SVZ-white matter interface (see orange cells in A-4). Red, Cells radially migrating out of the SVZ into the white matter. None of them migrates in a rostrocaudal direction within the SVZ before their emigration into the white matter (see red cells in A-4). Cells also show radial, straight migration in the white matter. One of the tracked cells shows a ventrally oriented movement (arrowhead). Blue, Cells showing movements off the radial path. A-4, Schematic drawing of representative cell movements observed in movie 2 (available at www.jneurosci.org). B, Movie 3 (available at www.jneurosci.org), Horizontal slice at the level of the striatum 3 d after a caudal injection. The level corresponds to that of Figure 3. B-1, 0 hr 0 min. Labeled cells are primarily confined to the SVZ, but a few migrate in the striatum only near the injection level (arrowheads). B-2, Tracking lines of representative cell movements superimposed on the image at 4 hr 24 min. The starting points of each cell tracking is indicated by a yellow dot. Orange, Cells within the SVZ showing straight rostrocaudal migration. Green, A cell turning around within the SVZ. Blue, Cells turning at the SVZ border with the striatum. The turning points in the green and blue tracking are indicated by arrows. Pink, A cell migrating in the striatum. C, Movie 4 (available at www.jneurosci.org), A medial sagittal slice 3 d after a middle injection showing the anterior part of the SVZ and the vertical limb of the RMS (rostral to left). Labeled cells have migrated from the injection site (not appearing in this imaging field) toward the RMS. C-1, 0 hr 0 min. C-2, Tracking lines of representative cell movements superimposed on the image at 5 hr 33 min. Red, Cells migrating along the dorsocaudal to rostroventral bend formed by the SVZ and the vertical limb of the RMS. Cells show bidirectional movements. Blue, Cells changing directions in the middle of the SVZ. Yellow, Cells turning at the SVZ border with the white matter. D, Movie 5 (available at www.jneurosci.org), Cell migration in the anterior SVZ continuing into the RMS in a medial sagittal slice 3 d after middle injection (rostral to left). D-1, 0 hr 0 min. D-2, Tracking lines of representative cell movements superimposed on the image at 4 hr 0 min. The starting points of each cell tracking is indicated by a green dot. Blue and pink, Tangential movements. Some cells are migrating in a distal to proximal direction (pink lines). Yellow, A cell turning at the SVZ–white matter border. Scale bars, 200 μm.