Figure 9.
Two models depicting the long-range migration of interneurons in the MZ and their eventual integration into the cortical plate with isochronically generated radial migrating neurons. A, Three predominant streams of migrating interneurons in the marginal zone of the developing cortex: I, a caudal to rostral and lateral to medial stream emerging from the caudal and medial ganglionic eminences (green and yellow, respectively); II, a rostral to caudal stream confined to the ventral telencephalon (orange); and III, a rostral to caudal stream emerging dorsal to the olfactory bulb (red). B, Model for local positioning of migrating interneurons. Radial glia (blue) support the radial migration of dorsally derived neurons (yellow) to the CP. In the MZ, the deep tangentially migrating interneurons (red) are located beneath the C–R cells (green). At the end of their local positioning within the MZ, migrating interneurons turn and incorporate into the CP using either radial glial cell processes or neuronal apical dendrites as guides. R, Rostral; C, caudal; V, ventral; D, dorsal; L, lateral; M, medial; RG, radial glia; SV, subventricular.