Fig. 3.
LAIR-2-Fc inhibits complement deposition. Significance was tested using ANOVA with Bonferroni correction (** p ≤ 0.005, *** p ≤ 0.001; NS = Nonsignificant). a Complement C5b-C9 deposition was measured in a pathway-specific Wieslab complement assay. Sera of 4 individual donors were either left untreated, incubated with EDTA to completely abrogate complement deposition or incubated with a control-Fc (SIRL-1) or LAIR-2-Fc. Complement deposition of the untreated condition was set at 100%; means ± SD are shown. Results for the classical, lectin and alternative pathways are shown. b C4b/c detection in arbitrary units (AU) after fluid-phase complement activation. Sera were either left untreated, incubated with EDTA or incubated with LAIR-1-Fc, a control-Fc (SIRL-1), GammaQuin or LAIR-2-Fc. AU of the untreated condition were set at a 100%. Means ± SD are shown, n = 3. c CH50 titer. Final concentration of LAIR-2-Fc and GammaQuin are depicted on the x-axis. ND = Not detectable. n = 3 donors for experiment (Exp.) 1 and Exp. 2; means ± SD are shown. Limit of detection for Exp. 1: 40% and Exp. 2: 12%.