Effect of estrogen on and sex differences in rotational behavioral induced by repeated treatment with 10 mg/kg cocaine. Left, Mean ± SEM number of net rotations per hour during each of the 12 test sessions. The OVX+E group (n = 9; solid triangles) was treated with 5 μg of EB 30 min before 10 mg/kg cocaine. Open circles represent the data from OVX females (n = 8), open diamonds the data from CAST male rats (n = 8), and solid squares the data from SHAM male rats (n = 7). Right, Mean ± SEM rate of sensitization from linear regression calculated for each rat from the data for the first eight testing sessions. **Net rotations per hour for OVX+E animals were significantly greater than for OVX (p < 0.0001), CAST (p < 0.0001), and SHAM (p < 0.0001) groups; ***rate of sensitization for OVX+E animals was significantly greater than for OVX (p < 0.038), CAST (p < 0.022), and SHAM (p < 0.014) groups.