Phospho-p38 (p-p38) is activated in small, presumably nociceptive DRG neurons and not in activated satellite cells. A–C, p38 phosphorylation is increased in DRG neurons (arrows) 5 hr after SNL.D, Serial staining of phospho-p38 (red) with PGP 9.5 (green), a marker for neuronal cells, in DRG neurons indicates that p38 is predominantly activated in neuronal cells (arrows). E, Serial staining of phospho-p38 (red) with GFAP (green, open arrow), a marker for activated satellite cells, indicates that p38 (arrows) is not phosphorylated in activated satellite cells 5 hr after SNL.F, Double staining demonstrates colocalization (arrows) of phospho-p38 (red) with IB4 (green) in DRG neurons after SNL, suggesting p38 activation in small, presumably nociceptive DRG neurons. Scale bars, 30 μm. n = 4 per time point.