Fig. 6.
The effects of dopamine (DA) and SKF 81297 on the VGKC I–V relationship.A1, A2, The activation protocol (as in Fig. 1A) elicited VGKC before and during perfusion of DA (20 μm). A3,A4, The inactivation protocol (as in Fig.1B) elicited VGKC in the same pyramidal mPFC neuron before and during perfusion of 20 μm DA.B, The I–V curve for whole-cell VGKC from the neuron shown in A is plotted. DA clearly produces a hyperpolarizing shift in the inactivation curve of VGKC in mPFC neurons (n = 3 of 3). C, A similar shift of the inactivation curve was observed during perfusion of the D1 receptor agonist SKF 81297 (0.1 μm). The inactivation of these neurons could be best fit with two Boltzmann equations, suggesting that two components with distinct inactivation kinetics are involved in the whole-cell VGKC.