Fig. 5.
Microglia migration in modified Boyden chamber. Microglia migration in response to various experimental conditions was tested in the modified Boyden chamber. The average number of migrating cells was expressed as the percentage of migrating cells counted in the presence of 10% serum. A, The number of cells migrating across the membrane was determined after incubation with either 10 nm NT or 1% bovine serum albumin (1% BSA) or 10 nm NT after preincubation with 24 μmPD98059 or 50 μm LY294002 or 1 μmwortmannin. B, The number of cells migrating across the membrane was determined after incubation with either 10 nmNT alone or with 10 nm NT in the presence of indicated concentrations of propeptide. ***p < 0.001 forn = 6 (number of wells) when compared with nonstimulated cells.