A: Baseline comorbidities, measured by ACE-27, were observed in the patient cohort. Abbreviations: ACE-27, Adult comorbidity evaluation-27; CVS, cardiovascular system; Resp, respiratory system; GI, gastrointestinal system; Endo, endocrine system; Neuro, neurological system; Psych, psychiatric system; Rheum, rheumatologic system; Malign, malignancy; Subs Abuse, substance abuse. B: Comorbidities and CHIP-associated mutations were observed at baseline and measured by ACE-27. Patients with indicated gene mutations (Yes/blue bars) were compared to those without (No/red bars). P-values were calculated by student t-test comparing incidence of each comorbidity among patients with and without the indicated mutations. Abbreviations: MI, myocardial infarction; Thromb, thrombosis; Resp, respiratory; Endo, endocrine.