Figure 3.
Infection with the Δrop18 strain results in increased antigen presentation by BMMΦs and BMDCs corresponding with decreased parasite survival. Antigen presentation in WT and Irgm1/m3−/− BMMΦs (A) or WT and Irgm1/m3−/− BMDCs (E) infected with wild type OVA expressing parasites (RH-OVA), Δrop18 knockout (Δrop18), wild-type complemented Δrop18::ROP18 strain (ROP18), kinase-dead (inactive) complemented Δrop18::ROP18KD (ROP18KD), and Δrop18::ROP18ATF6β (ROP18ATF6β). For statistical analysis B3Z activation was compared between RH OVA and the specified parasite strain for the infecting APC (i.e., WT or Irgm1/m3−/−). Quantification (B) and immunofluorescence (C) representative images of Irgb6 (green) and GRA5 (red) localization on the PV in BMMΦs. Comparison of fold change in percent killing of PVs between knockout and RH-OVA (D) by primed and unprimed BMMΦs as determined by PFUs at day 6 post infection. Quantification (F) and immunofluorescence (G) representative images of Irgb6 (green) and GRA5 (red) localization on the PV in BMDCs. Comparison of the fold change in percent killing of PVs between knockout and RH-OVA (H) by primed and unprimed BMDCs as determined by PFUs at day 6 post infection. Mean ± SEM. Mann-Whitney test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.