Figure 3.
NDRG2 inhibits LDHA expression and the Warburg effect in HCC cells. (A-B) NDRG2 and LDHA mRNA and protein levels in HuH-7, HepG2, HHCC, MHCC97L, and MHCC97H HCC cells and in normal QSG-7701 hepatic cells. (C-E) NDRG2 and LDHA mRNA levels and protein levels, glucose consumption and lactate production in HepG2 cells that were infected with lentivirus containing NDRG2 or mCherry, and β-actin served as an internal control to ensure equal loading. (F) Equal numbers of NDRG2-overexpressing HepG2 cells and control cells were seeded onto a 60-mm dish. After 14 days, the cells were fixed and stained with crystal violet. (G-I) NDRG2 and LDHA mRNA levels and protein levels, glucose consumption and lactate production in HepG2 cells that were infected with lentivirus containing NDRG2 shRNA or Scramble, and β-actin served as an internal control to ensure equal loading. (J) Equal numbers of NDRG2-knockdown HepG2 cells and control cells were seeded onto a 60-mm dish. After 14 days, the cells were fixed and stained with crystal violet. **p<0.01.