(A) A typical metaphase mitotic spindle observed in the experiment (Rogers et al., 2002). Microtubules are labeled in green, and chromosomes are labeled in blue. (B) The simulated spindle in a round cell with the diameter of 20 µm (see also Supplemental Figure S4 and Supplemental Movie S1). (C) The simulated spindle in a stadium-shaped cell with the aspect ratio of 1.5 (see also Supplemental Figure S5 and Supplemental Movie S2). (D) The simulated spindle in a round cell with symmetric intercellular adhesion on the two sides (red region). The adhesive length L = 12 µm. The lateral adhesive region has a higher binding rate of cortical dynein than the other regions, and the ratio is k = 11 (see also Supplemental Figure S7). Scale bar: 5 µm.