(A) Bivariate archaic match P value distributions for simulations of nonintrogressed sequences, Esan in Nigeria, Europeans, and Melanesians. Null simulations and Esan show no skew in Neandertal or Denisovan match P values toward zero, Europeans show only a skew of Neandertal match P values toward zero, and Melanesians exhibit both Neandertal and Denisovan match P values skewed toward zero. (B) Amount of archaic introgressed sequences identified in each population. (Inset) Amount of Neandertal, Denisovan, and ambiguous (Neandertal or Denisovan) introgressed sequences for each Melanesian individual. (C) Schematic representation of introgressed haplotypes in an intronic portion of the GRM7 locus in Melanesian individuals illustrating mosaic patterns of archaic ancestry.