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. 2019 Sep 6;10:1942. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01942


Neonatal clinical variables included in this study.

Variables Definition
  Toxic habits Smoking
  Reproductive/Gynecological Fertilization treatments, previous preterm births
  Medical condition Diabetes mellitus, hypertension

  Amniorrhexis Prelabor rupture of membranes.
  Pre-eclampsia Hypertension, proteinuria, and edema after the 20th week of gestation
  Mode of delivery Normal vaginal, cesarean, emergency cesarean, elective cesarean
  Fetal presentation Unknown, cephalic, podalic, bottom, transverse

  Gestational age (weeks) Positive ultrasonography, last menstrual period, clinical assessments
  Apgar scores at 1′ and 5′ Scores from 1 to 2 of Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration

  Respiratory distress Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, oxygen dependency, apnea, hyaline membrane disease
  Bradycardia Heart rate <100 l pm
  Pulmonary hemorrhage Positive bronquial aspiration for blood and respiratory deterioration
  Pulmonary hypertension Superior right limb and left inferior limb gradient in oxygen saturation >5% + hypoxemic trend
  Pneumothorax Thorax x-ray confirmation of air in pleural space
  Asphyxia Metabolic acidosis in umbilical cord pH + neonatal encephalopathy + background of alterations in cardiotocographic fetal exploration

Cardiac hemodynamic
  Systolic murmur Positive auscultation for heart murmur
  Patent ductus arteriosus Sistolc murmur + tensional gradient + bounding pulses and respiratory deterioration. Arterial flow between aorta and pulmonary artery shown via bidimensional echocardiography
  Hypertension Systolic pressure higher than percentile 90 Hg for gestational age
  Hypotension Mean arterial blood pressure lower than the gestational age during the first 3 days
  Jaundice of prematurity Increased bilirubinemia over birth weight expressed in g/100
  Anemia Level of hemoglobin in blood count <12 g/dl
  Thrombocytopenia Level of platelets <100.000/mm3
  Coagulopathy Altered of activated partial thromboplastine time or prothrombine time

Ultrasound brain abnormalities
  Periventricular leukomalacia Unilateral/bilateral hypo-echogenicity areas in brain parenquima adjacent to lateral boundaries of the ventricular system.
  IV hemorrhage Unilateral/bilateral abnormally extensive hypo-echogenicity areas in the ventricular system
  Hydrocephalus Symmetric bilateral increased size of the ventricular system
  Microcephaly <Percentile 10

  Cerebral palsy Chronic disability of central nervous system origin characterized by aberrant control of movement and posture, appearing early in life
  Severe mental retardation Severely retarded individuals have IQ scores of <40
  Seizures/Epilepsy Presence of convulsive movements with or without electroencephalography correlation
  Tetraplegia, diplegia Paralysis affecting the four limbs, paralysis affecting symmetrical parts of the body

  Sepsis Clinically, symptoms and alterations from laboratory results compatibles with infection with negative cultures. Confirmed, symptoms of infection + blood culture or urine culture and/or positive cerebrospinal fluid
  Necrotizing enterocolitis Digestive tolerance alteration necrotizing enterocolitis type II or higher
  Otitis Otic pain + positive symptom with compatible eardrum exploration
  Conjunctivitis Presence of conjunctival pus drainage

  Retinopathy of prematurity Defined according to the criteria established by the Committee for the Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity (The International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity| Neonatology | JAMA Ophthalmology | The JAMA Network)

Medical treatments
  Red blood cell transfusion Hemoglobin level below 10 g/dL or hematocrit falls below 25%
  Oxygen therapy Oxygen is applied up to get saturations of 90–95% in pulse oxymetry
  Mechanical ventilation Mechanically assist or replace spontaneous breathing
  Surgery Any surgery during hospitalization