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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Sep 13.
Published in final edited form as: Int J Cardiol. 2018 Mar 29;264:113–117. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.03.110

Table 2.

Standardized hazard ratios of all-cause mortality, MAHFER Study 2017.

Variable Unadjusted standardized hazard ratios (95% CI) p-Value Adjusted standardized hazard ratios (95% CI) p-Value
Age, each year increase 0.99 (0.99, 1.00) 0.076 0.99 (0.99, 0.99) 0.001
Men 1.16 (0.76, 1.76) 0.494 0.35 (0.06, 2.03) 0.245
Women Ref Ref Ref Ref
Asset index
 Poorest 0.74 (0.36, 1.50) 0.403 0.14 (0.04, 0.55) 0.005
 Poorer 1.31 (0.67, 2.57) 0.423 0.08 (0.03, 0.23) 0.0001
 Average Ref Ref Ref Ref
 Rich 0.97 (0.48, 1.93) 0.921 0.71 (0.11, 4.78) 0.730
 Richest 1.03 (0.51, 2.07) 0.939 0.12 (0.02, 0.60) 0.010
History of smoking
 Never smoker Ref Ref Ref Ref
 Former smoker 0.92 (0.50, 1.69) 0.782 0.99 (0.52, 1.90) 0.999
 Current smoker 1.87 (0.93, 3.76) 0.080 7.23 (1.40, 37.26) 0.018
HIV infection 1.09 (0.67, 1.76) 0.738 1.16 (0.29, 4.55) 0.831
History of hypertension 0.74 (0.49, 1.11) 0.146 0.79 (0.38, 1.67) 0.540
History of diabetes mellitus 0.83 (0.37, 1.83) 0.640 0.94 (0.35, 2.54) 0.901
Functional status
NYHA¥ class III Ref Ref Ref Ref
NYHA class IV 2.11 (1.38, 3.23) 0.001 2.52 (1.24, 5.12) 0.011
Six minute walk, (per meter) 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.924 0.99 (0.99, 1.00) 0.697
Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)
Reduced LVEF (≤40%) 1.04 (0.63, 1.72) 0.885 1.10 (0.48, 2.51) 0.813
Midrange LVEF (41 to 49%) Ref Ref Ref Ref
Preserved LVEF (≥50%) 0.75 (0.39, 1.44) 0.385 0.66 (0.28, 1.57) 0.347
Estimated GFR£ stage
 GFR stage 1 Ref Ref Ref Ref
 GFR stage 2 0.97 (0.53, 1.80) 0.929 1.34 (0.41, 4.39) 0.626
 GFR stage 3 1.86 (1.00, 3.47) 0.051 2.79 (1.42, 5.47) 0.003
 GFR stage 4 2.83 (1.01, 7.90) 0.048 3.54 (1.04, 1.21) 0.000
 GFR stage 5 2.53 (1.49, 4.29) 0.001 3.12 (1.14, 8.55) 0.027
Timing ofindex admission
Week day admission (Monday-Thursday) Ref Ref Ref Ref
Weekend admission (Friday-Sunday) 0.89 (0.47, 1.71) 0.734 0.17 (0.05, 0.49) 0.001
Baseline blood tests (each unit increase)
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 1.01 (0.98, 1.02) 0.604 1.01 (1.00, 1.02) 0.018
Potassium (mmol/L) 1.29 (1.10, 1.51) 0.002 2.66 (1.74, 4.06) 0.0001
BUN (mg/dL) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 0.006 1.00 (0.99, 1.01) 0.368
Sodium (mmol/L) 0.99 (0.98, 1.00) 0.212 0.98 (0.97, 1.00) 0.071
BNP (pg/mL) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 0.006 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 0.044
Troponin I (ng/mL) 1.60 (1.31, 1.94) 0.0001 6.71 (1.25, 35.98) 0.132
Creatine-kinase (MB isomer) (ng/mL) 1.05 (1.04, 1.06) 0.0001 1.05 (1.01, 1.10) 0.013
Medications prior to admission
ACEI or ARB^ 1.00 (0.58, 1.70) 0.988 0.38 (0.13, 1.08) 0.069
Beta-blocker 1.01 (0.57, 1.78) 0.985 0.23 (0.10, 0.56) 0.001
Frusemide 0.95 (0.55, 1.63) 0.841 3.45 (0.73, 16.26) 0.117
HMG$ CoA inhibitors 0.52 (0.06, 4.21) 0.541 1.72 (0.76, 3.85) 0.190
Digoxin 0.84 (0.42, 1.67) 0.623 1.03 (0.32, 3.29) 0.954
Antiplatelet agents 0.65 (0.35, 1.18) 0.159 0.54 (0.25, 1.16) 0.113
Self-reported medication adherence
Good adherence Ref Ref Ref
Poor adherence 0.84 (0.41, 1.73) 0.645 0.83 (0.25, 2.74) 0.758

NYHA¥: New York Heart Association; GFR£: estimated glomerular filtration rate; BUN: blood urea nitrogen; BNP: brain natriuretic peptide; ACEI/ARB^: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker.