Fig. 4. BBX19 is epistatic to ABI3 and ABI5 and binds the promoter of ABI5.
(a) The representatives of germination rates of Col, OE44, abi3, abi5, OE44/abi3, OE44/abi5 seeds sown on plates containing 1/2MS germination medium in the absence (mock) or the presence of ABA (0.5 μM) 5 days after stratification.
(b) Germination rates of mock and ABA treated genotypes (Col, OE44, abi3, abi5, OE44/abi3, OE44/abi5). Germination rate was determined from three biological replicates, and three technical replicates with at least 100 seeds in each repeat (n>100). Data are means ± SD, letters above the bars indicate significant differences as determined by Tukey’s HSD method (P < 0.05).
(c) Representative images of transient expression assays in N. benthamiana displayed by bright- (upper panel) and dark-field (lower panel), and (d) intensities of the LUC bioluminescence of leaves expressing pABI5:LUC alone and pABI5:LUC+35S:BBX19, and expression of pABI5:LUC+35S:ABI5 as an established positive control. Intensities of the LUC bioluminescence were measured using Andor Solis image analysis software. Data are means ± SD (n = 20), letters above the bars indicate significant differences as determined by Tukey’s HSD method (P < 0.05).
(e) The representatives of ABI5:GUS and OE44/ABI5:GUS seedlings grown on 1/2 MS germination medium plates for 2- and 4-d after stratification show enhanced GUS intensity as a proxy for ABI5 protein levels in the OE44 background.